
Showing posts from April, 2009

My Microblog posts for April 2009

@ solutious - Nope - its the GPU 3rd one here in the office to go 2:05 PM Apr 29th from TweetDeck in reply to solutious I am amazed a how good Apple Customer Relations is ,Thanks Shaundra for your excellent service. 2:04 PM Apr 29th from TweetDeck According to diagnostic tools my 1.5 yr old macbook pro is not covered by the NVIDIA GPU failure.. I'm looking at $1,000 bill to fix! 1:50 PM Apr 29th from web Phoning apple customer relations.. lets see what happens... 1:41 PM Apr 29th from web Seriously whats with all the local news in BC on public Sex? I know times are tough, but man find some where a bit better than a dumpster! 11:08 AM Apr 29th from TweetDeck SIgn of the economic times? - Couple goes for a roll in the hay in the trash - 11:06 AM Apr 29th from TweetDeck RT @ BlackPressMedia : Transit cops catch gunslinger having sex: 10:55 AM Apr 29th from TweetDeck I ...

Hitting the wall with Google Ad manager

I Recently converted our websites over to the Google Ad Manager (GAM) platform, but I hit a wall... Google recommends you use no more than 1000 Ad slots. But my pilot site was running well with over 2500 ad slots and I was planning to roll out to 10+ sites, with a total of more than 25,000 possible ad slots... I met with Google and they recommended doing this with custom targeting, using category & sub-cats. Unfortunately the targeting they proposed would not work for us, and I'd already set up the first batch of Ad slots so i posed the question: "Can your application handle 30,000 ad slots and 2500 placements?" The answer was yes, but it may slow down forecasting... so no big deal.... Well, as it turns out the real answer is NO, GAM can't handle that many Ad slots. Sure the underlying system can handle it (Doubleclick perhaps??), but the Inventory Tab becomes completely unusable and the I can no longer create new Ad Placements! So, I ...

Will April Fools Day End?

Well April fools day came and went, and despite all the hype and panic, the Confiker virus launched without any real problems. Coincidentally a couple large DNS companies started having real serious problems, disabling access to websites across the world wide web. First UltraDNS the company that control domains for giants like, went down under a Denial of Service Attack, Then had a 3 hour outage yesterday and is down again today! Seems like a long running joke with no end in sight. Despite these major outages there has been almost nothing reported in any of the mainstream media, and in fact the news broke first on This lack of info prompted me to start tweeting again, and after all the customers started jumping on Twitter, started using Twitter for damage control. As I write this is still down for the count, their latest tweet stating: Register_com@SeanToohey is having intermittent service ... has gone down again!

Yep at almost the same time as yesterday, is down for another day!

Finally a twit

Long after forgetting my original twitter account I started a new one today. I alos re-started the daily Jolt blog, for the second or 3rd time....

Major Outage at

A day after of a serious DoS attack at ultraDNS , had been knocked out for several hours this afternoon. Unable to find any news or get an answer out of, I restarted my twitter and blogger accounts to start posting info. Seems like twits were the first to start mentioning the issues. I guess i should start using it again.. ;)