Microblogs for the Month of June 2009

  1. RT @starbulletin: Amazon cuts ties with Hawaii http://tinyurl.com/m5ckc7 from TweetDeck

  2. Seems like the Shaw @ home phone network is having "network difficulties" in Victoria "at this time" from TweetDeck

  3. I just turned Civilization (MEGAPLEX), 2008 By Marco Brambilla into the coolest screen saver - http://bit.ly/13gOMz from TweetDeck

  4. Running #fx35 on my macbook, seems like it browses faster... from TweetDeck

  5. Looks like hosting provider Rackspace is backup from web

  6. Victoria will be the first police department in North America to use body-mounted surveillance cameras - http://bit.ly/OWo51 from TweetDeck

  7. One trippy elevator ride - http://bit.ly/BUhoF from TweetDeck

  8. RT @wired: How to photograph random people on the street: http://is.gd/1eMAh from TweetDeck

  9. RT @paulbalcerak: RT @GregMitch NYT reveals: It wants to sell Boston Globe, and 2nd paper, "quickly." http://tr.im/pUsT from TweetDeck

  10. Cool Architecture of the day, Minamihara 3645 by Dasic Architects, reminds me of Philip Johnson's Glass House - http://bit.ly/14xtAB from TweetDeck

  11. RT @MondayMag: 'Tis the season for...beer! http://bit.ly/11pFHi from TweetDeck

  12. US Patriot Act VS Canada's Privacy Laws at odds when Canadian company's use Google service http://bit.ly/OVXHc from TweetDeck

  13. Mainstream Media Still Has Eyes Wide Shut - more MJ news analysis - http://bit.ly/lXoFF from TweetDeck

  14. RT @TechCrunch: The Web Collapses Under The Weight Of Michael Jackson's Death http://tcrn.ch/4gp by @parislemon from TweetDeck

  15. First Farrah Fawcett now Michael Jackson - two pop icons dead in the last 24 hrs - http://bit.ly/12q4Ub from TweetDeck

  16. RT @TechCrunch Get A Free Copy Of Sarah Lacy’s Startup Book http://tinyurl.com/lpqubl (via @tweetmeme) from web

  17. Youtube looks like its gone down for maintenance from TweetDeck

  18. RT @GreatDismal: Pure gold: Dick 'N' Billy, on the Synagogue of Satan Hour http://tinyurl.com/nnyqwt **CBS FAIL** from TweetDeck

  19. Android HTC Hero cell phone with FLash Player, will apple ever allow Flash on iPhone? - http://bit.ly/MSQFs from TweetDeck

  20. Looking for free HD TV, check out this site for coverage in your area, good use of Google maps - http://www.tvfool.com from TweetDeck

  21. RT @10twentyseven: home made antenna = 3 HD channels for free - in YVR http://bit.ly/2FK2Q from TweetDeck

  22. #poll for all you #iphone geeks - do you prefer seeing a mobile version of a news site or the full version in your safari browser? from TweetDeck

  23. More Layoffs at myspace - 2/3 of international staff - http://bit.ly/OKy4F from TweetDeck

  24. Catching criminals with Google Street View - http://bit.ly/28NAI from TweetDeck

  25. RT @archdaily: Spaceport America began construction last Friday http://bit.ly/IacGk from TweetDeck

  26. @nkempinski love the mobile office, also good place for client meetings. from TweetDeck in reply to nkempinski

  27. RT @wired: How Apple's "odd and potentially nefarious" behavior is closing the mobile web (with help from ATT): http://is.gd/19izs from TweetDeck

  28. A story for all you iPhone lovers (geeks) - http://bit.ly/17i74J from TweetDeck

  29. 10 Ways Journalism Schools Are Teaching Social Media http://bit.ly/15Z4Z3 from TweetDeck

  30. Cool online campaing for the movie District-9, some well developed webistes - http://www.multinationaluni... etc from TweetDeck

  31. BLOG - MNU Spreads Lies - http://www.mnuspreadslies.com/ from TweetDeck

  32. @sethlong - RE: 2 new iphones - You guys have way to many toys down there, i'm still slogging away on my Blackberry from TweetDeck in reply to sethlong

  33. Is IE8 a throwback to IE6? I see new layout issues that have re-appeared , will Microsoft ever make a compliant browser? from TweetDeck

  34. Wow over 3000 videos on our video site! - http://www.bcdailybuzz.com/ from TweetDeck

  35. Server migration step 2 went well this evening... from web

  36. Brazilian Prosecutor wants to ban fast-food toys - http://bit.ly/p2u9t from TweetDeck

  37. Finally Launched our Tour de Rock news site for the Canadian Cancer Society - Cops For Cancer - http://bit.ly/cGbW8 from TweetDeck

  38. for you iphone geeks - RT @TechCrunch: Quick Hack: Enable AT&T Tethering Under iPhone 3.0 http://tcrn.ch/4Av by @johnbiggs from TweetDeck

  39. The year the Media Died via @AgeOfPersuasion: http://bit.ly/8dgcb from TweetDeck

  40. RT @PaperBoy13: Microsoft suing threesome for click fraud related to World of Warcraft #warcraft #wow http://bit.ly/DOZnA from TweetDeck

  41. RT @webmonkey: Google asks "What is a browser?" http://bit.ly/lBnxj - Wow, does no one know what a browser is? from TweetDeck

  42. RT @TechCrunch: Twitterfeed Gets An Overhaul, Adds Analytics http://tcrn.ch/471 by @erickschonfeld from TweetDeck

  43. Sex, drugs & acrobats - how can you not generate traffic with a title like that - http://bit.ly/3lWKl from TweetDeck

  44. Apple's Latest F-You To iPhone Developers - http://bit.ly/BPdae from TweetDeck

  45. Furlough days not real for most workers - http://bit.ly/uAVZ3 from TweetDeck

  46. MySpace Cuts Work Force by 30 Percent - http://bit.ly/icLrT from TweetDeck

  47. Cool use of post it notes - RT @huffingtonpost: http://bit.ly/1TLDmN - Post-It Panic from TweetDeck

  48. Facebook Finally Catches Up To MySpace - http://bit.ly/9pOhX from TweetDeck

  49. RT @GreatDismal: RT @SelfEdge Best photos of Iran from the last 72 hours: http://bit.ly/xwcZY #iranelection from TweetDeck

  50. WOndering if there are some DoS attacks going on this morning... from TweetDeck

  51. Starting monday with hosting issues..... from TweetDeck

  52. This is an awesome use of shipping container architecture - RT @mocoloco: introducing the MUVBOX http://bit.ly/BwItf from TweetDeck

  53. Twitter power players get shiny 'verified' badges - CNET News: http://bit.ly/lQXvQ from web

  54. Dude — Dell’s Making Money Off Twitter! - http://bit.ly/14nHzp from TweetDeck

  55. Question to the NYT "Why is aged news better tha real news" from the Daily Show last night- (07:40) - http://bit.ly/12fc0q from TweetDeck

  56. This is one nasty river http://bit.ly/13qOup - via @TreeHugger from TweetDeck

  57. Looks like #Bing is the number one referrer to our Newspaper sites, didn't take them long to send us more traffic than #Google from TweetDeck

  58. Don't read this article if you are planing to fly anytime soon - The ‘Coffin Corner’ and a ‘Mesoscale’ Maw - http://bit.ly/9X2P from TweetDeck

  59. Via @globeandmail: New site promotes journalists as individual brands http://bit.ly/LMIFj from web

  60. Via @globeandmail: Canadians make stem-cell breakthrough http://bit.ly/mnxET from web

  61. News quote of the day "One million dollars is a lot of money to pay for a whore" from SM murder trials in Geneva http://bit.ly/4hnRV9 from TweetDeck

  62. News Photo of the day - Bear tranquilized after peeking into student dormitory windows - http://bit.ly/NgSv5 from TweetDeck

  63. Watching the deluge of #WWDC twitter posts is crazy, there are a lot of Maczeolts out there all tweeting the same thing from TweetDeck

  64. I doubt anything very exciting will come out of Apple's #WWDC but I'll still watch the keynote address from TweetDeck

  65. Looks like Apple's Online store is down as the plan to roll out the next iteration of products - http://bit.ly/t5SgP from TweetDeck

  66. @runtboy Where's your lifestyles of the rich and famous find you today? from TweetDeck in reply to runtboy

  67. Multimedia Journalists Discover Life After Newspapers - http://bit.ly/4ANxC from TweetDeck

  68. RT @NiemanLab: Yeesh. An ad network will soon pay Twitter users for writing sponsored tweets http://tr.im/nxw3 from TweetDeck

  69. I just created a #GoogleMap for the Canadian Cancer Society Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock 2009 - http://bit.ly/VIixa from TweetDeck

  70. @5thsun True, but I have volunteered to go down to San Jose and personally straighten things out... from TweetDeck in reply to 5thsun

  71. Calling Costa Rica to have ask an SEO company to stop stealing content form our websites.... good luck to me from TweetDeck

  72. RT @MondayMag: Interesting SF Gate article on talking to j-school grads about a dying industry: http://bit.ly/dClZT from TweetDeck

  73. @AgeOfPersuasion NP - you did give a broken link to you Inside the Age Video from TweetDeck in reply to AgeOfPersuasion

  74. @mocoloco RE: Giveaway - I see a nada, as I have no windows in my office.. very depressing I know. from TweetDeck in reply to mocoloco

  75. @AgeOfPersuasion Your link to the PJ O article is not working. from TweetDeck in reply to AgeOfPersuasion

  76. Gen-X er's leading Rec property sales in BC interior - RT @KelownaCapNews http://bit.ly/19qnWw from TweetDeck

  77. My latest blog post:- Online Longevity - my mid 90s website still going strong! - http://bit.ly/18uGnM from TweetDeck

  78. http://bit.ly/uzf3B Huffpost - Twitter On The TV: America's Best (And Worst) Microblogging Moments (VIDEO) from web

  79. Do you think people are buying into the #NYT Reader2.0? Other than the crossword cheats i see no reason to pay for this http://bit.ly/7eppK from TweetDeck

  80. RT @harrisj: The story behind the Tank Man photo in Tianenman Square http://bit.ly/HGzte The story of the man himself is unknown. from TweetDeck

  81. My name is still in the source and the ugly logo and bg image i created are still in use after 12 years! I am truly a web guru! from TweetDeck

  82. Today I found a website in I built in 1995/96 has remained almost unchanged since the last design i did in 1997 - http://bit.ly/gTVDm from TweetDeck

  83. A good example of how news headlines drive traffic : Naked killer cheerleaders hunting Bigfoot- http://bit.ly/vMJ6A from TweetDeck

  84. Tracking down content thief's is fun, the latest one has a local BC website but is from a Costa Rica SEO company from TweetDeck

  85. RT @wired: Print journalism is saved! Craigslist's ban on erotic ads gives weekly city papers a happy ending. http://bit.ly/pp9lg from web

  86. Sad to see prefab architecture firm Michelle Kaufmann closing its doors - http://bit.ly/4BZAFL from web

  87. Google’s Android to Run Laptops - http://bit.ly/fMswW from web

  88. The Ben Rose Home site of the famous movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" is for sale - only $2.3Mil - http://bit.ly/rHgUC from web

  89. RT @GreatDismal: Danny MacAskill's bicycle parkour http://tinyurl.com/c56el3 from web


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